The best Solar Leads money can buy

Backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee

Check out our past and current clients

What makes us different?

All our leads are canvassed localy in your specified area and have talked to our agents face to face


We've been doing this longer than most solar lead companies and have a proven track record of success


Our prices leave out the guesswork on your marketing budget and ensure consistent sales


Our leads are generated at the source of all solar sales, the home, which means the homeowners are engaged throughout the sale


Our leads are from truly interested homeowners who want to take the next step in lowering their utility costs

Focus on Closing Leads not finding them

Don't waste your time and money on trying to generate leads internally. Focus on closing leads and getting installations done

Basic (Per lead pricing)

Packages starting at $3,000

*minimum order amount required

Book a call for location details

Pro (White Labeled batched leads)

Call for pricing

*Pricing based on area and batched leads on monthly basis

Currently taking on clients in Southern California

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